Social media is not only for trendy teens anymore, and it’s becoming one of the biggest driving forces of organic traffic to major websites. In recent years, social media has not only caused major booms in companies that were once ailing and struggling to get customer attention but also has caused major downfalls in companies that once were much more popular than they currently are.
Among many portions of society, a successful social media campaign adds a certain level of legitimacy to your company. Some won’t even buy from a company that doesn’t have a social media campaign, which is yet another reason why social media is now king. What we are trying to say here is that you need to have a good social-media campaign in order to get ahead. Here are some tips for every beginner.
Get a Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Pintrest and LinkedIn, account for your business. These are often considered to be the basic building blocks of a strong social media campaign. You will need to fill out all your basic information on these sites, and also add some cool photos related to your business as part of your profile. Each profile should also have your company’s contact information. It makes you a lot easier to reach out to.
Start putting together a schedule of times when you update each account. Different social media platforms peak at different times. You can use programs like Facebook analytics to figure out when people are checking out your posts. Truth be told, though, the most important thing that you need to remember is that regular postings will make things more consistent for your customers, and that tends to keep your name in their mind longer. Customers that see a profile that is not very consistent will likely end up seeing you as unprofessional, or just not that into reaching out to them.
Begin posting content that is social media friendly websites. Most social media experts suggest an 80/20 rule when it comes to posting your content.
– 80% of your content should be related to your business or your industry.
– The other 20% should be fun and random, mainly because that’s what gets many shares on sites like Facebook and Tumblr. It’s important to remember how important it is that you continue to post. Without posting, your social media campaign will go nowhere.
Reach out to customers, and add them on any social media platform that allows it. This is part of engaging your customers through social media. Other ways to engage them include offering cool contests, answering comments and questions they may have about your services, and also just posting photos of them having fun at your venue. You want to shoot for as many new adds and followers as you can get per day.
While you are reaching out to your customers, it’s crucial to remember who your customers are. A company that caters to mothers in their 30s is not going to have the same kind of posts, or even promote their campaign, in the same way that a company that caters to young teens will.
Remember that part of having a successful social media campaign is using tact. You do not want to make comments or posts that may upset or marginalize your customers in one way or another. Common sense and a little bit of etiquette will help you continue to post great content and build a better campaign. Even if you end up with hecklers on your site, it’s important to handle these things with grace. Otherwise, you will end up with a major PR problem on your hands.
In order to get the most oomph in your campaign, you will need to make sure that many, if not most, of your postings have some sort of call to action to visit your websites. People need to be told to visit your site in order for them to really visit it frequently. More people viewing your site will equal to a higher conversion rate when it comes to sales.
So if you want to be successful with your business you need to start promoting your business on different media websites. Create and share content to as many sources as you can we recommend you to start and get familiar with Facebook, Twitter and Google plus and go from there. Also if you provide services or sell products you need to try to make your clients to leave you a review for the service or product that was provided, it will help you in a long run.