Green Mountain Websites and Designs.

Using Social Media to your advantage

Using the evolution of information-sharing websites to your advantage

With over a quarter of the world’s population on social media, it’s no wonder so many businesses and websites are turning to these platforms to promote growth and generate income. Social media is a rapidly changing entity, however, and it becomes increasingly important to stay aware of the changes that apply on a yearly – and even monthly- basis. Below you’ll find some helpful tips on what you can expect from platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest in 2015.

1. Higher privacy standards. Facebook is capitalizing on the growing trend toward online anonymity. Other apps, like Cyber Dust and Snapchat, can’t guarantee 100% privacy, but do delete all images and messages after only a few seconds – and no records are ever kept on any servers at any time. Facebook is attempting to follow suit by creating apps like Room which allow for greater intimacy when communicating to friends. Stay mindful of this growing challenge when promoting your business as it will be harder to target your advertising as the years go on.

2. Mobile device compatibility. Approximately 65% of social media usage occurs through mobile apps on wireless electronic devices. This means your website needs to remain very compatible with these platforms. What use is your site if your potential customers become frustrated with your so-called mobile-friendly features? Keep this in mind – the average internet user has an attention span of only a few seconds. Make sure your site is compatible and visually attractive!
3. Shopping on Social Media. One of the fastest growing e-commerce divisions is s-commerce – transactions occurring on social media websites. Twitter has adopted a “buy button,” enabling users to purchase products directly from a tweet rather than being redirected to another site.  Additionally, Facebook has its own variation on a “buy button” that allows members to make purchases from previously-stored payment information. This could be very beneficial to your enterprise should you sell products and services through these platforms; when buyers are not redirected to another site to purchase, they are more likely to complete the transaction.

4.  Video sharing capabilities. Social media platforms are making it easier and easier to upload short videos to share to any audience you desire. This handy tool can mask insecurities you may have with your writing or photography abilities as it enables you to share your message with your customers face-to-face. Sites like Instagram, Vine, Hyperlapse, and more are allowing huge growth potential to their members by allowing for short videos to entice and amuse potential buyers.

5. Sites for eclectic interest groups. Social media is expanding from the vast, general information-sharing databases of the past. New niche sites are blooming that focus on very specific interests and tastes. Because these sites know their audience’s specific interests, it’s very easy to tailor advertising to their tastes, thereby bringing in more revenue because of this naturally targeted market. If your business or website needs has a niche group, consider these sites as wonderful resource for potential customers.

By keeping yourself informed of the changing social media market, you’ll ensure you remain on-target with your goals and aspirations. Don’t be intimidated by the ever-growing and ever-evolving platforms; use them to your advantage to gain the traction you’ve been seeking!